this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don’t warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed !
autism and autistic spectrum being low theory of mind conditions i find are very basic to an understanding of reality and some of the more “ pyschological ” ways of looking at things are also helpful !
zen is very autistic and basically the individual reconstruction of a theory of reality synchronous with reality !
you have to do it for yourself,
no-one else can do it for you !
narcissistic personality disorder is in the
DSM-5 but its not a term i favour as being that meaningful !
“ narcissist ” is too loaded a word plus having an elegant legend about it, its use is prejudicial and not objective in the psychiatric context !
that’s another thing, not getting in accidents, george bowman got screwed up by both bad car and work accidents, trungpa got damaged by a car accident when he was still quite young
when i was young we used to have a llama out the back gate, kept getting facial ezcema though
, they are susceptible to it, zinc improves the resistance
because paul was greek, you can argue that christianity is a greek religion !
because paul was greek, you can argue that christianity is a greek religion
because paul was greek, you can argue that christianity was a greek religion !
because paul was greek, you can argue that christianity was a greek religion
he who would be ‘ spiritual ’ works at discernment and he of himself is projected onto by others
he who would be spiritual works at discernment and he of himself is projected onto by others
one corinthians, chapter two, verses fifteen and sixteen
and he who is spiritual, doth discern indeed all things, and he himself is by no one discerned; for who did know the mind of the lord that he shall instruct him ? and we — we have the mind of christ
he who would be spiritual works at discernment and of himself is projected onto by others
eat my dust you fake “ unsainted ” paul !
the road to tarsus was bad dai kensho !
“ don’t you mean damascus ? ”
its a sort of a blurred thing, as we know his conversion experience was on the road from jerusalem to damascus, so that’s a given, but i was seeking a more broad brush so to speak, tarsus in southern anatolia was where he was born, so i mean his road to himself was bad . .
he missed the boat so to speak !
tarsus is an interesting place and where cleopatra met mark antony !
and actually the blocking from talking has been going on to since i can remember being on the internet
where they get their final word in and then they block you so you can’t respond
worse is they’ll do that and then have something more to say so they’ll say it and then quickly block you again
“ Yeah but I don’t use my past or anyone else’s to try to stab them. My boyfriend left mostly because he couldn’t handle my son and realized he wasn’t ready to settle down. Either way, it’s not nice to try to convince me that I’m damaged goods. I know we’re all figuring ourselves out through our experiences and I am using them for personal growth. Judgements on yourself and others is not productive. Hope you see that someday and learn to be nicer in general. The way you talked to me here also verified my feelings of wanting to keep away. I have healing to work on and don’t need anymore bad vibes. Thanks ”
you’re seeing me wrong and i’m not surprised, as i’ve said i like you but really i am not trying to stab you and i’m not upset
what i’m trying to say is that life is not unicorns and fairies and you seem to be getting upset with me for saying that which is why i say you’re acting so borderline !
i don’t want to spell everything out in what i mean but what you are really is untouchable and being damaged is just that we face really hard lives cuz we’re actually so different from the rest of the world
:o( why do you only want ‘ good ’ vibes and not ‘ bad ’
, do you think your life has only been filled with ‘ good ’ ?
i take the bad too because it grows me much more than living some fantasy glamorized life !
the problem between me and you is that you want to be top dog so bad otherwise we’d actually be quite amicable !
c o m m e n t
she’s certainly an “ everything on her own
terms — er ”
she’s done quite well out of you on the therapy front
, some of what you said will sink in over a while
thinking only carries you so far !
thinking only carries you so far
people in general don’t have the skill set for “ aporetic ” !
people in general don’t have the skill set for “ aporetic ”
“ but it has everything to do with bad and selective moderation ”
who makes the good and bad ?
there’s two halves to being a bully
, coercive strength and using that to intimidate
there’s two halves to being a bully
, coercive strength and using that to intimidate
participants on the web have a wide range of psychological and neurobiological diversity
retardation, psychosis, schizophrenia, aspergers, autism, borderline personality, dementia, ptsd
the span is there, but my god, the endless borderline
i wonder if r|zen is a condensation itself of the problems and benefits of reddit, a lot of people arguing from very different viewpoints, the differences so wide there is no possibility of reconciliation ?
the meaning of life is to argue about it
the meaning of life is to argue about it
a new word
the last stanza of a poem by lawrence kushner
the holy man is a sort of boatman
a pilot on the holy river
he does not himself understand about the river
nor can he predict its current or control its caprice
he only knows the way to the other side
about maneuvering the boat
and the strange ancient rituals
the holy man is a sort of an illusion,
refracted light reflected from petrochemical scum on the water
he himself does not understand about the river,
moaning various ineptitudes
he never leaves the shore
after sinking the boat
which he disguises with rituals
my ‘ reply ’ needs to be read parallel to the first poem
its matched line for line !
you have to read it that way or it won’t make sense !
‘ the holy man is a sort of boatman : the holy man is a sort of an illusion ’
the third line “ he himself does not understand about the river, ” could also be the line of the original poem or even more completely mine as “ he himself does not understand the river ”
when i first started zen, it was a weekly after work sitting at the leys institute in auckland with the new zealand zen society, i now realise that it was the best introduction possible, being teacherless given the crap spewed by teachers would have been very off putting and also being basically “ meditation only ” with minimal liturgy one pretty well got the essence without the trappings !
the society didn’t exist in the form i liked for more than about four years, when i read
the history its obvious the seeds of factionalism were already well planted and the later schisms inevitable !
origins of the shaolin legend
my first experience with zen was almost entirely meditative, it gives a perspective that makes zen or buddhist “ apologism ” look like what it is, a waste of time . .
without substantial meditative or contemplative experience you are missing the most important dimension
that’s not apologism ! : o)
jason writes
i sort of would like to be friends with her but i don’t know
if it’s possible
a quote from the platfrom sutra
by contemplating their own mind, everyone can realize their intrinsic nature
my restatement
by reflection, meditation and contemplation you will come to a better understanding of the true reality
a quote from the platfrom sutra
by contemplating their own mind, everyone can realize their intrinsic nature
my restatement
by reflection meditation and contemplation you will come to a better understanding of the true reality
“ i suppose everybody would say this about their own
religious texts , can’t they see the gem they’re toying with? ”
you mean schizophrenic nonsense ?
theology is just a form of apologism, that’s all !
there’s something to apologise for
a thousand or thousands of years in the case of buddhism bullshit !
7th zen patriarch koan
i am the only buddha
7th patriarch koan
i am the only buddha
the mania of the human species for absolute nonsense is hard to believe !
the human species excels at the pursuit of absolute nonsense !
this in my view is one of the best blogs on the net covering
a forgotten corner of byzantine history, its dying years !
“ outtakes from my work as a historian of the fifteenth century intersection of the byzantines, the venetians, and the ottomans ”
diana gilliland wright
you (ed. elbowpunch) are a bit short on the social skills i notice !
you can talk about things indirectly in public that will help you process what’s happening, that’s an important skill, complete secrecy will backfire !
your nick, hubris, manner and various skill deficits have stood you out as having a very problematic real life
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
you can’t seem able to address what i said, attention problems, blatant self promotion, dumbarse hubris, overboundaryization
, who are you fooling ?
reddit|zen is some mirror for you and a lot of others supposedly reflecting the image they want to see . .
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
why don’t you read what you write ?
why r u responding to me with your white wash?
sensitive ?
the best advice about “ kensho ” is to forget about it
, “ aporetic ” is where it is at
, “ experiences ” are in that sense an artifact . .
you cannot shortcut the aporetic process which is what everyone tries to do . .
there’s no money in publishing now, my philosophy is to just stick things up on the web where at least it is working for you reputation wise !
both genders of children take more after their mothers brainwise than their fathers, its in the genes !
the rest is pretty evenly split, except for the notorious maternal mitochondrial gene transmission !
dilated cardiomyopathy seems likely, this can cause both the low resting pulse rate and the enlarging of the heart !
you really want to lay off alcohol and drugs with heart problems
, they will come back to bite you savagely as you get older !
it might pay you to see a heart specialist and get an echocardiogram done
only the heart specialist will have any clues, gp’s and emergency departments know nothing !
transmission is part of the ch’an/zen tradition !
jason writes
i’m continuing down this path because the other options seem worse and have their own negatives
“ the appearance of a buddha is such a rare and momentous event in the history of the universe that the cosmos is stretched to its limit by his majesty. if a second buddha were to appear simultaneously, the universe would collapse ”
if you know how to read it, its a “ get out of jail free ” card
: o )
of course, the fine print says ‘ don’t go back in ’
lol, want me gone ?
anti-fan ! : o)
peer wisdom is not where its at for true understanding of life and the universe !
peer wisdom is not where its at for true understanding of life and the universe
a quote from chapter six ‘ one buddha per universe ’ of “ buddhist scriptures ” by donald lopez
“ the appearance of a buddha is such a rare and momentous event in the history of the universe that the cosmos is stretched to its limit by his majesty
if a second buddha were to appear simultaneously, the universe would collapse ”
that’s why you have to look across the generations to understand, there are so very few you need to scour all time for helpful illumination !
put your peers up against a wall and shoot them, they want to do the same to you !
miyamoto musashi, the real
inspiration for spaghetti westerns
a true
renaissance man such a far cry from today’s martial arts morons !
in addition to the “ swordsmanship ” he was also a sophisticated painter and writer
ed. on some idiot saying i write a lot of nonsense and when asked for an example seemed unable to provide it and over a
long exchange made the same excuses as to his not wanting to make the effort and not caring !
i think it was because you thought it was too much effort !
that is you expend a lot of effort telling me something is too much effort !
a sceptical person might suspect you cannot find anything to support your claims !
please tell me again how you don’t care or its too much effort !
zen is very much not about beliefs, but very much discovering for yourself !
zen is very much not about beliefs !
she really is armenian, rather fascinating in that respect, eastern europeans are a bit different imo !
they have more of a group mindset
r|zen is not a meritocracy, its a moronocracy !
r|zen is not a meritocracy, its a moronocracy
women are really a different species
, they think in a different way, they think characteristically amongst themsleves, their brains function and are organized differently !
women are really a different species
, they think in a different way, they think characteristically amongst themsleves, their brains function and are organized differently
jason writes
i sometimes stare at myself or around myself in a mirror and parts of my face and body starts to blend together so that my face looks like it’s blank skin surface
the japanese
had a ball with bodhidharma
a very good
lecture on “ to the lighthouse ”
one man’s boring is another mans inspiring and vice versa !
: o)
one man’s boring is another man’s inspiring
tibetan buddhism is one unending voynich manuscript
tibetan buddhism is one unending voynich manuscript
tibetan buddhism is one unending voynich manuscript
addicts are between burglaries i notice !
“ is it impolite to have the soles of feet to point towards the idol of buddha ?
sometimes i stretch, and my soles point in that direction, and sometimes, i sit like that.
is this
OK ? ”
when you get reborn as an insect you will know it wasn’t ok !
“ she explained to me that once she was sitting in front of some moving water like a stream i think and then everything started swirling around her like the ground and water
i didn’t ask if she was on drugs at the time but it seems like she does take drugs
she said that happened before everything started to ‘ go down the toilet ’ for her ”
yeah she does seem to have a “ drug perspective ” which is unfortunate
she would have to unwrap that and i think its way too difficult for her and probably she was starting to understand that when she went “ borderline ” in her conversation with you
in fact the ‘ stream swirling ’ experience is quite normal if you look at something moving for a while like looking out of a bus window !
“ talked to that woman for two hours actually before she went ‘ borderline ’ ”
basically you were giving her therapy and she reached the limit of how much she was prepared to change which knowing women, is not very much at all !
“ maybe at first you put off a vibe that you could be taken advantage of ? ”
yeah i’ve noticed that !
every con artists dream !
: o)
sir henry neville’s
dedication in “ the rape of lucrece ” to
henry wriothesley in the light of henry wriothesley's betrayal of him to the interrogators and the confinement of both henries to the tower of london seems misguided pomposity, an elizabethan stock in trade of course !
nostalgia i think, the
pre soviet world is not going to return !
togs !
i spent a lot of time researching the voynich manuscript and reached some conclusions i keep to myself as the more mystery about it the better !
“ well you said one never dies and there’s clearly a time when death occurs ”
when ?
“ when they stop breathing and the heart stops beating and we can’t interact with them anymore
so we put them in the ground or cremate them ”
from your own reference point when do you die ?
once you are dead
, how do you know ?
“ i don’t know when i die and i don’t know how i’d know ”
yeah !
“ you said one never dies and there’s clearly a time when death occurs ”
when ?
“ well you said one never dies and there’s clearly a time when death occurs ”
when ?
luckily i was outside early this morning
(1.30am) sitting on the woodpile enjoying the windless warmth and sky in complete dark and was amazed to see the three young men who i had helped the previous day with a shredded tire when they stopped on the road verge opposite my house, return with the obvious intention to burgle me !
i confronted them as they walked up the road and gave them some grief about ingratitude and they left driving back the way they came which says it all !
their number plate was false !
is buddhism a cosplay ?
yes it it is
is buddhism a cosplay ?
yes it it is
the importance of the
drop center in manually changing a tyre !
a quote by fayan
where there are no words, i forcefully speak out; where there is no dogma, i strongly uphold certain principles
pointing out defects in zen schools, i briefly explain ten matters, using words critical of specific errors to rescue an era from decadence
i though i’d do my own ten matters so here they are !
1. read
quality , less than one per generation ever understands and its important to lift yourself out of the influence of your peers who will never grasp what it is about !
2. dia kensho needs to have occurred as a child, been lost and recovered again in adulthood
3. you will be constantly faced with people claiming genuine knowledge and experiences which are in fact tangential and deeply misguided !
4. it is too difficult and indeed a quite contrary direction for
non-celibates and family people !
5. women are just as able, if not more in developing understanding
6. solitary contemplation time is essential and needed in large amounts !
7. neither buddha, jesus or muhammad were historical figures, but poorly drawn imaginary figures . . take heed !
8. translation never captures the subtlety and depth of the original text and some sources like eihei dogen are so cross referencing of long lost allusions that the meaning is almost lost forever
9. it is well worth the effort to familiarize yourself with the voynich manuscript !
10. we do not take easily to the notion we are wrong so its very important not to make uncorrected mistakes, otherwise they get locked in forever rending any further attempts at progress futile !
i think women expect to find men easy meat and they can be very disconcerted to find someone who understands how they work
i think women expect to find men easy meat and they can be very disconcerted to find someone who understands how they work !
i think women expect to find men easy meat and they can be very disconcerted to find someone who understands how they work
the r|zen and just about any other message board owners’, or moderators’ motto is, and to be honest a lot of life
“ bullshit is ok, anything that makes you think is not ok ”
hmm . . . the “ zen serene ” meme . . . town supply water, a pathetic balanced rock stack and
self-righteous gaslighting advice
yes, more borderline personality disorder !
lynn munsinger’s children’s book illustrations are popular but to me they lack energy
red hair is a major difference, the
pheomelanin possibly opening up its possessor to greater physiological stress
why does nobody say what a driving factor in a basketball’s original creation, rapid uptake and continuing popularity is especially in schools and colleges with all those very susceptible developing brains ?
its non concussive !
i think celibacy is weighed in favour of men, a celibate man gets a lot of benefits and doesn’t miss out on too much, i’m not sure its that way for women !
i think celibacy is weighed in favour of men, a celibate man gets a lot of benefits and doesn’t miss out on too much, i’m not sure its that way for women
there’s two crimes, being
over-certain and being
over-certain and wrong
there’s two crimes, being
over-certain and being
over-certain and wrong
the original persian bears no relation to the usual quotes, rumi is a bucket for new age and flatulent
non-dual projection !
jon writes
i don’t get why i don’t take the supplement and diet information on board whole heartily
it might be partly due to beliefs and laziness
r e p l y
with supplements and diet working out what works for you is very difficult and takes a lot of attention over a long period of time !
i think basically you are suicidal and that will always undercut the motivation for everything you do, like what’s the point ?
“ these
results support the idea that evolution works by making a juvenile plastic to learn a lot of things; then making an adult tuned to take advantage of that learning
instead of merely being rebellious, teens may just be staying flexible to adapt to an unpredictable world
teen worm brains drive
wishy-washy behavior that allows them to stay flexible in an uncertain world, while adult worm brains drive efficient behavior ”
jason writes
i don’t think in terms of most, best, favorite !
big as a ship is, it still comes to a bow
big as a ship is, it still comes to a bow
i’ve written a lot of poetry,
100’s or even a thousand poems by now and not in a single one has anything ever been tried for
what one writes does reflect work and trying to understand, the effort crystallizes in the poem which for me come complete and effortlessly
writing them down and editing is more hassle than the poem itself !
a good poem should read different senses depending how you read it !
a good poem should read different senses depending how you read it
the poem reads different senses depending how you read it !
the poem reads different senses depending how you read it
a yuanwu quote from thomas cleary’s “ zen essence ”
step back on your own to look into reality long enough to attain an unequivocally true and real experience of enlightenment
then with every thought you are consulting infinite teachers
my comment
that’s not entirely wrong, but he’s not enlightened !
yuanwu is a bit theoretical, he has a certain understanding, but lacking the experience of enlightenment himself he always misses the mark !
fayan’s advice
“ don’t attempt to teach others until you can recognize awakening as certainly as you would recognize your own family in a crowd ”
that’s good advice, i don’t take it in the sense its always been obvious to me
if he were still around my advice would be for him not to waste his time teaching, its not possible !
our viewpoints are too far apart to have a meaningful discussion
our viewpoints are too far apart to have a meaningful discussion
our views are too far apart to have a meaningful discussion
our views are too far apart to have a meaningful discussion
one day ewk woke up enlightened, how it happened was a mystery to his wife, children and the posters on r|zen !
he could extemporize zen poems, answer questions, dialogue and admit to being wrong !
he never looked at r|zen again !
only the insane could think they understand zen without any real life experience of it !
only the insane could think they understand zen without any real life experience of it
wazu temple
, no kitchen remains !
huh, its still being
lived in !
my “ reshaping ” a
story from page
461 of ‘ zen’s chinese heritage ’
fayan was appointed abbot of wazu temple over the temple manager’s (yuanwu) head
yuanwu knowingly cut down a tree he knew fayan liked when clearing the site for a new kitchen !
fayan, really pissed off chased yuanwu with a staff intending to hit him, but tripped and fell banging his face !
he got up, dusted off and said oh well the damage is done and walked away !
you need rules because you have no understanding ?
you need rules because you have no understanding
zen poems
trying to extract
ewk replies
Zen poems don’t try.
r e p l y
ed. i’m on a roll today !
: o)
its just bad luck for you that in all the eons of zen bullshit you should strike the real
7th zen partriarch who can deliver the goods !
zen poems
trying to extract
zen poems
trying to extract
staying at deer hermitage
only faint voices can be heard
rays of the setting sun
light up the
blue-green moss
my retranslation of wang wei’s poem
traffic fumes fuck the brain, people living near busy roads have higher rates of dementia !
“ compared with those living
300 meters away from a major road the risk was
7% higher within
50 meters,
4% higher between
50-100 meters
2% higher between
101-200 meters
the analysis suggests
7-11% of dementia cases within
50 meters of a major road could be caused by traffic ”
my uncle who eventually became
CEO of singapore airlines did officer training in the australian army and on the eve of finishing the training and getting a commission, absconded, he was discharged and escorted back to new zealand, there’s really something about the army he didn’t find congenial !
jason asks what i thought of this line from edgar alan poe’s well known
all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream
in reply i quoted another part of the poem
i stand amid the roar
of a
surf-tormented shore
and i hold within my hand
grains of the golden sand —
how few ! yet how they creep
through my fingers to the deep
while i weep — while i weep !
that’s basically the song of enlightenment !
financially the one world trade tower is a white elephant,
1.5 times too expensive to build
of course it is marvel of construction and architectural engineering but imo its a folly !
there’s a little rule
too much autism under one roof
. .
there’s a little rule
too much autism under one roof
there’s a little rule : too much autism under one roof
money skills take time
money skills take time
money skills take time
you are jumping ahead abit imo, everything i do is a nightmare, might be the same for you ! :o)
i think astrologers and some new age stuff like tarot really are just therapists without the academic qualifications
you can just finesse it with a bit of harmless mumbo jumbo from tarot or
i-ching and also tell them the real stuff that the client needs to know
the huge advantage of going that way is not needing academic qualifications
that’s super huge !
the academic qualifications needed to be a pyschotherapist are a nightmare and don’t teach the right skills at all !
making the effort to contact people who may be helpful, you learn a lot by their responses
i think what has happened with my years? intensive posting on r|zen is i have given certain obdurates a degree of sophistication and its just ghastly to have to deal with them now, their insane wrong mindedness empowered by my posting !
the seeds of my own efforts creating the present situation
these people just make me sick and i should be further away from them and stopping posting will do that !
my posting on r|zen has changed it in a way that has made it far less tolerable to me !
i’m stopping posting on r|zen, the people there are just too arseholey !
good advice is very rare !
all the same
, it occurs, just is hard to appreciate the significance of when it is given !
good advice is very rare !
all the same
, it occurs, just is hard to appreciate the significance of when it is given
good advice is very rare !
good advice is very rare
i’m looking at some of these obnoxious scum on r|zen and thinking “ keep away from me ” which they rarely do, but in fact, shouldn’t i be keeping away from them ?
prediction errors, i am sure i have that in spades !
shaolin never
disappoints !
. .
a hostile borderline reply !
the moment i start to think ‘ borderline ’
, i know there’s no hope ! :o(
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
i don’t have anything to prove to you and beyond the illumination of “ borderline ” i’m not gaining anything from talking to you !
its like derrida says, already in the construction are the roots of failure
its like derrida says, already in the construction are the roots of failure
what i have noticed from a lot of message board experience over the years is the people who want to control the board content to be the way they see things weasel their way into moderator control and there’s nothing you can do
its like jacques derrida says, the elements of deconstruction are already at work in the construction
a fun, open board that works well will attract an influx of retarded borderline arseholes who will then gain control and that’s it !
this is inevitable
when i first started posting here two years ago i was constantly deleted, then clickstation left and things got better and now again it has reversed with about
60% of my
OP’s being deleted simply because they confront or make people think !
7th zen patriach gave ewk a koan
“ why am i doing this ”
ewk threw a hissy fit, stomped around and for every day for the rest of his life never did wonder about what he did !
“ don’t you ever wonder yourself why ? ”
yes, all the time
“ what is the answer ? ”
does “ i ” ever have an answer ?
7th zen patriach gave ewk a koan
“ why am i doing this ”
ewk threw a hissy fit, stomped around and for every day for the rest of his life never did wonder about what he did !
“ zen master ” is another illusion says the
7th zen patriarch !
. .
“ zen master ” is another illusion says the
7th zen patriarch !
“ zen master ” is another illusion says the
7th zen patriarch
what is untangled ?
what is tangled
what is tangled
what is untangled ?
card carrying buddhists should look at the card they carry
it says buddha abandoned his wife and newborn child
on r|zen you can’t post anything really contentious or the mods delete it
you can only post fake contentious
“ the eyes, those silent
talkers of love ”
“ the eyes, those silent tongues of love ”
they have one of
those at the kwan um zen center in providence, people used to come in at night and ring it, so they chained the striker up so it couldn’t be moved
xyz recounts a childhood episode that he learnt from !
here’s a story to prove i’m actually sort of ruthless
my grandmother used to have rabbits in the backyard in this little stone house sort of thing where all the other animals were
i was little and i used to go in there and play with the rabbits, them being in this dark square all day they were skittish and afraid of me
still i could pick them up and sometimes they wouldn’t scratch me but of the time they would, one time i got so fed up that i shoved a rabbit’s head in the water and it was definitely struggling in there, i didn’t think i drowned it though
then i went and did this to probably several or more
they ended up all dying within the next couple of days
i felt sorry for my grandmother cuz they were hers but not for killing them
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
“ we are just monsters ! ” that’s what other people would say
i’ve actually told my story to a lot of people, they usually respond with thinking i’m a nutcase which isn’t completely false
i told that story to my
8th grade science teacher who also taught psychology to older classes, he laughed out loud when i told it but he definitely thought i would grow up to be a murderer or something cuz the story stuck with him until i graduated and i bet he hasn’t forgotten !
zen only makes sense if you are celibate
otherwise its just bullshit
seen it so many times, very aggressive married or in relationship males, so full of zen bullshit, a child comes along, then they go away and focus on that !
if you go into the armed services, the skills you leave with and how they can provide income are very important
“ i’m not sure i could kill anyone ”
ed. of being in the armed services
well i could, i think you need hunting experience to avoid ptsd
chanting to be effective is about euphony, massed voices not single !
all the buddhists on r|zen are druggies who don’t like real life buddhism because of its anti drug stance is what i have worked out !
you can argue forever with an addict and that’s what the story is there !
on ‘ intelligence services ’
you know the book “ animal farm ” by george orwell ?
well its strongly
anti-soviet, but he was put under surveillance because the intelligence service in britain thought it was
pro soviet because they never read it and orwell had to get an english literature professor contact them and tell them it was
anti-soviet !
buji is a type of bullshitty fake very common in religion
a reddit post giving good
insight into the reality of drones and what is in effect the new front line !
its a huge shift of effectiveness in the favour of those countries able to fly them !
r|zen breaks into different forms of buji almost entirely !
the most strident “ buddhists ” are the ones who couldn’t be dragged kicking and screaming into a temple !
took me a while to work that out, its mostly druggies putting up wallpaper there !
imo shunryu suzuki was a
raving psycho !
he wasn’t enlightened !
japanese zen is why the nips lost the war so to speak, that sort of psycho !
a dope addict pontificates
don’t try to contain your master
r e p l y
wow an addict’s experience, you win there !
you do have good leadership skills, able to take an overall view which you notice on reddit zen is most people just have no idea !
one of the great secrets of translation is things are always unsatisfactory i have found
one of the great secrets of translation is things are always unsatisfactory i have found
a poem by stonehouse
a hundred years slip by unnoticed
eighty-four thousand cares dissolve in stillness
a mountain image shimmers on sunlit water
snowflakes swirl above a glowing stove
ed. last line not quite right ?
centuries slip by with traceless passing
life’s cares have become incorporeal
a broken mountain shimmers on the water
i melt snow on a glowing stove !
apparently the “ stone house ” is still in existance and the stream of the poems still behind it, red pine says he visited it !
that stove is oh so important !
yeah, bodhidharma was a woman and the courtesan
a man , very insightful !
ed. ‘ daruma and courtesan trade robes ’ by takeda harunobu, edo period,
18th century, hanging scroll
curiously parallel to the gospel of thomas
“ when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male is not male and the female not female, and when you make eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then shall
you enter ”
the other thing that puzzles me about r|zen is people promoting something by posting there !
you know mud sticks ?
well there’s so much mud there the virgin mary would come out gang banged !
: o ( )
the japanese management of the war at its top levels was cryingly incompetent, power centralized on idiots, same issues with their invasion of china !
not funding their nuclear bomb program even though it was quite advanced, missing the
US aircraft carriers at pearl harbour when they were what really mattered, getting their own carrier fleet sunk by keeping them all together (go marshal admiral yamamoto)
, huge resources put into building complete waste of time giant submarines and the failure to integrate china in a productive way into their empire . .
and unbelievably both yamamoto and the emperor (who had a very significant active role) thinking they would ultimately lose the war
there is a cultural problem with overdominant hierarchies and power concentration, same issue with fukushima !
you don’t see it in the old ch’an and its there in spades in western zen coming from japanese lineages, just straight militarism really !
most politicians seem to have a degree of borderline personality disorder !
most politicians seem to have a degree of borderline personality disorder
women are just out for themselves and those they see as themselves
i’m not saying that is necessarily wrong !
women are just out for themselves and those they see as themselves
romantic relationships and the real zen don’t mix, you can’t have your cake and eat it !
enlightenment is a very strange place, too strange for the moronic herd
nothing boxes you in like getting older, god, i’m having to research a cataract operation
“ jacques derrida didn’t seem to be eating all that great in that documentary ”
most of the time he had a wife feeding him and he looked and thought ok on it !
jason asks
how would you react to killing someone ? a lot of remorse, little ?
r e p l y
enemy combatants are ok, there are issues with killing civilians !
the problem is if you are killing people, they are also trying to kill you !
also a lot of wars seem to be entirely pointless, large countries taking on stupid causes that really need quite different resolutions, like afghanistan needs political solutions, not some stupid endless tribal conflict with major powers just getting enmeshed in tribal stuff !
ug krishnamurti was lucky to have very good health, it gave him a lot of freedom !
anybody in the armed services kills people one way or another, some direct, others indirectly !
“ an ancient zen master said that zen is like learning archery; only after long practice do you hit the bullseye ”
in zen the
so-called “ archers ” only loop the drawstring around their neck and pull it tight !
i think the secret of success in life is to do what you have strong natural talents at
i think the secret of success in life is to do what you have strong natural talents at
i think the secret of success in life is to do what you have strong natural talents at
a shockingly bad translation of ikkyu
when i die
all my bad deeds
will go up in smoke,
and so will i
sins don’t cremate us
sins don’t cremate us
sins don’t cremate us
what i am saying is your talents (ed. dave) lie in a different area to that which you are trying so hard yet failing so miserably ie “ spiritual ”
you are a million miles off the mark and always will be, life offers you more in other areas !
the real danger of warfare today is
IEDs and the concussion
there is a huge need for post traumatic stress counsellors/therapists which is basically due to concussive brain damage which because of
IEDs is at world war one levels where they used to get all sorts of explosive shit dropped on them in the confined space of the trenches !
the real danger of warfare today is
IEDs and the concussion
“ great doubt ” is just more of the endless zen voynich i am afraid
the net is full of these wannabe gurus without doing the
self-deconstructive work
the net is full of these wannabe gurus without doing the
self-deconstructive work
the net is full of these wannabe gurus without doing the work
the net is full of these wannabe gurus without doing the work
if you read emily dickinson it is quite apparent there is more than the conventional blather we imbibe in the communal rounds of life !
if you read emily dickinson it is quite apparent there is more than the conventional blather we imbibe in the communal rounds of life
“ the headpsace app is fun
gets a bit pricy for what it is, but there’s a workaround if you and a buddy meditate for
15 day streaks, you can give each other a free month
it’s the buddy aspect of it that i like the most i think ”
r e p l y
the next step is solipsism
there’s no buddies and
no-one else will ever understand
emily dickinson and that sort of sophisticated reading and contemplative time in short !
they are the real buddies !
millennials have narcissistic dialogue techniques !
millennials have narcissistic dialogue techniques
one can start with something and then move on !
one can start with something and then move on
little as i like r|meditation there are a lot of recovered addicts there through meditation so they have something to show for it !
we are nothing
but thought !
we are nothing but thought !
we are nothing but thought
i do about two or three hours contemplation/meditation (usually walking around or slumped over a chair, or out on the woodpile looking at the night sky when its warm enough) every evening and have done so for years
except when i go out hunting, wallabies are slower around midnight, they are partly comatose from all they have eaten !
‘ dai kensho ’ and not ‘ dia kensho ’
, i had to do remedial spelling as a child
the book
of serenity
a monk asked caoshan : how is it when the mourning clothes are not worn ?
caoshan replied : now my filial duty is fulfilled
the monk asked : how about after fulfillment of filial duty ?
caoshan replied : caoshan likes to get
falling-down drunk
r e p l y
that’s a very profound case !
to those who post on r|zen recommending meditation
quotes usually
yet you don’t meditate,
no-one who has a reasonable amount of meditation under their belts would give those bullshit quotes the time of day
what i find weird is these people don’t see any inconsistency between the they do and what they say !
the standard “ millennial ” debating technique is a short answer the gives no information !
the standard “ millennial ” debating technique is a short answer the gives no information
the standard “ millennial ” debating technique is a short or one word answer the gives no information !
the standard “ millennial ” debating technique is a short or one word answer the gives no information
the thousand eyes and hands
sutra , kwan um zen school !
a few days ago i was reading about doctors in the
USA drastically cutting back on opioid prescriptions and i thought, that doesn’t sound like doctors
but in fact the contents of
this recent research must have been doing the rounds for years, opioids are permanently and fatally addictive !
according to this
article william de kooning was starting to descend into alzheimers from the very early age of about forty, or not actually so early is it ?
you can clearly see it
in his art which peaks in about
1942 and is degenerating by
1965, typical for the art market to pay so much for alzheimers !
his best work imo, is
the glazier painted right on the cusp !
two women
a good
video with lisa cairns about the problem of ‘ seekers ’
, she is making slow progress, trying to work her way out of the nightmare of the “
non-duality ” paradigm
why not just drop it altogether lisa ?
mary reed, uneven and somewhat
compromised by nonsensical religious paradigms
the female of the species can be really stupid i notice !
i’d be pretty sure the old chinese monasteries had central heating, i remember an account by a hermit of building it into his hut, the chinese were not anti comfort and the cold was a killer and the death rate in monasteries was appalling anyway, lots of people with health problems crowded together
i did the martial arts form of tai chi for a while with a very good teacher
i’m short and slight and it gave me a lot more confidence in physical situations, enough skill and savvy not to be taken out immediately and being able to get out of the situation quickly since i could never come off better !
all the spiritual search is, is dealing with endless borderline personality people, some more toxic than others !
all the spiritual search is, is dealing with endless borderline personality people, some more toxic than others
those that don’t want to see, won’t see !
those that don’t want to see, won’t see
some will not read what they write
some will not read what they write
some will not read what they write
yet another who won’t read what he wrote ?
‘ a monster calls ’ looks like an ok
film !
dai kensho has no physiological correlate
ed. epilepsy et al
you have gone somewhere, uncountable eons and returned !
dai kensho has no physiological correlate (ed. epilepsy et al)
you have gone somewhere, uncountable eons and returned !
i had childhood dai kensho completely from nowhere and not the slightest question
just some sort of process i guess
you read
, i know from practical experience !
its very difficult and actually impossible to understand “ dai kensho ” until it happens
zen is mostly pretenders
grass_skirt writes
because zen is a “ transmission outside the teachings ”
, that “ points directly at the human mind ”
, obviously we are dealing with a special sort of knowledge
people claim privileged access to that knowledge in various ways : through religious “ experience ” ; through social links to a zen lineage ; or through claims of superior literacy
It suggests
the claimant knows something others cannot access , either through lack of experience, lack of social connections, or lack of intellectual competence ”
r e p l y
its a gift actually
lack of experience, lack of social connections, or lack of intellectual competence
grass_skirt replies
my point is that it implies access to something others do not (or cannot) access
at least you are upfront about being the seventh patriarch
its commendable, really
r e p l y
the problem is that just about everybody finds the price of access too high, and unwilling to pay it they proxy into pretence !
why they cannot admit to themselves they are not prepared to pay the price and just get on with their lives i do not know as proxying usually causes a lot of problems !
actually the web is the only place i can be “ upfront ” about being the seventh patriarch, in real life it would get me killed at some point !
nearly happened to
toni packer, spring the hermit crabs out of their shells and if they have a pistol . .
“ i’ve been practicing zen buddhism for three years at a local korean temple
my teacher announced a week ago he would be leaving teaching, his board position, and the sangha
he gave no reasons or explanations and stated that he does not wish to explain himself ! ”
fired by the board for embezzlement most likely, the salaries are so poor you can’t blame them !
i don’t even drink tea or coffee, must be the most drug free person in the universe !
well maybe
30 to
40 ml of red wine a day in cooking, cabernet sauvignon !
jason, i think being on the spirtitual circuit is just dealing with a lot of ng’s !
in the main
one or two will want you dead over a lifetime
they seem to leave the phonies alone
. .
question for jacques derrida
would you say you have moved beyond philosophy into mysticism ?
there is a retardation that responds to anything out of its reach in a very negative and desultory manner, simply because it is out of its reach !
ewk, why not get therapy for your borderline personality condition ?
why not get therapy for your borderline personality condition ?
for some reason you never want to engage your brain !
safer ?
i’m not saying dogen wrote shit at all !
most translations of him are shit and worse, the translator’s fantasy !
he’s very interesting to read literally, if you can follow him/it !
your reference point is bad translations, so anything that follows is going to be screwed !
“ when you put a professional zen team together you don’t include a few zen grunts ? your call. hoe your own vegetable garden all day in the sun ”
fantasy, real life zen is mice, retards, autism, substance problems and poor health i am afraid !
what is zen ?
brain with pain ?
an optical illusion, a literary device
what is zen ?
brain with pain ?
an optical illusion, a literary device ?
what is zen ?
brain with pain ?
a literary device, an optical illusion
what is zen ?
brain with pain ?
a literary device, an optical illusion ?
borderline personality, its fucking everywhere
. .
borderline personality, its fucking everywhere
borderline personality, its fucking everywhere
jason handles a problem well
, hits every nail on the head !
jason : i’m going to assume yes (asked her if she had stomach problems) considering you’re predisposed to having stomach problems, what else is i really think you have a bipolar disorder if not borderline personality disorder
i think you’ll do the usual of just ignoring what you don’t want to hear and keep damaging yourself
ng : Hahahahahah ur fucking kidding me
This is why I do not answer
But actually I didn’t answer because I didn’t feel like it I’m with my family I never get to see them so texting about stomach aches is not my main priority
No need for those types of comments though that’s too much
jason : it’s called irritable bowel syndrome, IBS
ng : Dude fucking chill I don’t have ibs and why in the world does it matter if I did u are the bizarre one here
jason : i’m really not that excited you seem to be tho
why does a serious health problem matter ?
ng : I handle bipolar and people with severe personality disorders every day it’s not just something u throw around and it’s rude to tell someone that haha ( she works for an insurance company )
I don’t have any health problems lmao
It’s just a weird ass conversation
You can either change subjects or I’m over this
jason : it’s weird to someone who thinks they’re so ‘ similar ’ to their high school classmates, run away like i said !
you can take it as rude, i’m saying it as an observation . . known you long enough to see how bipolar/BPD you can be
seeing the way you eat it’s not far off to call ibs
ng : Hahah omg
The way I eat ?
jason : yeah
, “ you are what you eat ”
ng : Lol fuck u goodbye
jason comments
an unhealthy relationship, glad to have it off my back !
my comment
he got given an ultimatium, really quite typical of the bordeline personality approach, my way (let’s face it bumpy ride is an understatement) or the highway !
“ it’s just a weird ass conversation
you can either change subjects or i’m over this ”
its interesting to compare the above exchange with
this , one forgets that there are reasonable, open and intelligent people in this world !
my criticism of ewk (ed. about
30 ?)
, if he has a family and its hard to say since he is very disguised about his personal life is it is a serious mental disturbance on his part to spend the time here and not on the usual family business of life
the r|zen subreddit is basically childless or retired wastrels, i myself am one of course !
perhaps ewk is also one but something doesn’t add up, he’s hiding something !
i was thinking, the absolute amazingness of “ don quoxite ” must be in part because of miguel de cervantes time as a
slave where really all you are trying to do is avoid work and surivive, giving plenty of time and energy for reflection, self-reflection and
‘ from reading too much, and sleeping too little, his brain dried up on him and he lost his judgment ’
no brains, no pain, you ought at least to take the positive part
, “ no pain ”
i’m enlightened. i know the answer before the question
i’m enlightened. i know the answer before the question
i’m enlightened. i know the answer before the question
17 complains
until i care enough to learn another language, i’ll leave translating to other people
as i am now, what does it matter to me if
some-stupid-words are
poorly-translated-genius or
well-translated-garbage ?
r e p l y
with google translate you don’t have to learn another language to gain translation insight and experience !
what you are saying is there is no difference between right and wrong, aren’t you !
understanding is almost always an incremental and multi source process
zen is about dai kensho the way pure land buddhism is about chanting
it needs to have occurred as child and be recovered later in adulthood
‘ practice ’ or taking drugs don’t lead to this but the blindness that thinking these things relate stems from a lack of childhood dai kensho !
dogen was an extremely, almost too sophisticated literary writer and not a “ grunt zenner ”
you know the “ grunt zenner ”
don’t think just sit ?
dogen is taken as the reference for this stance, but the reality is that dogen is so obscure because he just scripts and intertwines literary and cultural references that are mostly forever lost to us so he is the creator of the ultimate voynich !
i have always wondered why he is so uneven, lyrical streaks of genius couple with the most arrant tripe, one has to ask what is going on, but he may simply be in all practical terms not really translatable because of his allusiveness and actually ryokan is like this too, the english translations convey a very weak writer
, an indication not borne out by his popularity in japan !
anyway this is part of the larger issue of translations not being the original writing or utterance, a fact that’s lost on the zen religious and high priests “ pointing ”
a very good
article by carl bielefeldt on the subject
ewk you might try actually reading it, when i wrote about people being damaged by r|zen i would say you are one of its primary victims, you have just reverted to being stuck in unchanging views and cut and paste !
all your energy is going into defending existing positions and there is no development or sorting out of error !
dogen wrote so much and was otherwise busy that in fact after his china travels he must have done very little “ sitting ”
regardless of the soto “ theological view ” i think if we take dogen more from the perspective of what he did than what he said, is the emphasis on sitting is actually a prior stage to the necessary dai kensho and because dai kensho so very rarely occurs you are doing nothing but speaking to people prior to it and therefore one prescribes doing something that usually is ultimately fruitless !
enlightenment is not being able to understand and pontificate dogen but the coherency of your own viewpoint, you are not dogen, so that will be quite different !
hongzhi zhengjue was a toxic pile of lyrical shit !
the problem with “ near death experiences ” is they are “ near death ”
, you get very damaged by them and that’s why they are absolute fucking nonsense !
“ i blacked out for large portions of the trip and remembering it was quite difficult ”
you od’d and actually had some brain damage and even perhaps an unhelpful near death experience !
i think Ayahuasca to be useful digs up old memories and you need to remember them !
i have never taken ayahuasca but have read some accounts and it appears to be unusual in that it accesses higher level neural structures to give a degree of cognitive coherence
jon writes of the effect of fasting which indicates to me, that he has biofilm problems !
sometimes i don’t eat for awhile and i can’t think straight
well i only focus on wanting to eat
soon after if i still have not eaten then i get an effect
which seems to allow me to think more clearly
or i am able to take in more information of my surroundings
i don’t do this often
maybe a few times a year
everybody gets damaged by reddit zen, i am sure, even the
non-existant dog and as for cats . .
everybody gets damaged by reddit zen, i am sure, even the
non-existant dog
for every year you put into religion, it takes ten years to leave !
for every year you put into religion, it takes ten years to leave
for every year you put into a religion, it takes ten years to leave !
for every year you put into a religion, it takes ten years to leave
for every year you put into zen, it takes ten years to leave !
for every year you put into zen, it takes ten years to leave
there are
lost works of bach !
“ at least one other passion, after st. mark, was lost ”
“ A photo arrived for her
her father, emaciated, in a coffin
a yellow rose in his stiff hands
a letter from her mother
‘ just in case you’d like to have your own funeral for him ’
Years pass,
She visits a grave in a dust bowl of a one horse town
and sits with her Dad. ”
a very powerful bit of
writing , perhaps donna’s best !
it took me a while to understand what she are saying with the videos, the masking of very unsatisfactory lives with an illusion !
parenting seems to involve one generation of children oversolving its problems as children into a new generation and creating a whole set of new ones !
parenting seems to involve one generation of children oversolving its problems as children into a new generation and creating a whole set of new ones
is this the standard millenial debating technique, not to say very much and expect the rest of the world to run around trying to work out what it means ?
for a work like bach’s ‘ mass in b minor ’
, the visual side is just as important as the sound and this bbc
video brings that across well !
don’t be like two rails of a railway track going in different directions !
don’t be like two rails of a railway track going in different directions
you are like two rails of a railway track going in different directions !
you are like two rails of a railway track going in different directions
it all comes down to priorities and making time
it all comes down to priorities and making time
it all comes down to priorities and making time
i think it all comes down to priorities and making time
i think it all comes down to priorities and making time
i think it all comes down to priorities and making time
“ i really planned on quitting, swear. how do i quit reddit ?
come on
7p help me out ”
i don’t have a question about quitting reddit, its a question of whether its useful to me and on balance it is, i mean i’m interested in zen and i am interested in writing and progressing my understanding . .
the question is whether i should be doing other things that return more to my life . .
i keep saying “ aporetic ” but who listens ?
people say anything, but when you look at what they do, if its crazy, they are crazy
jason asks
is being less susceptible to women something that’s learned ?
how did you end up in tasmania ?
r e p l y
wow that’s a good question and i would have to say “ superyes ”
tasmania very autistic and i feel comfortable here, i was travelling and just stopped
“ birds of a feather flock together ”
, our areas of competencies and incompetencies
, our areas of incompetencies and competencies
, our areas of competencies and incompetencies
you are captured by your cognitive style inadequacies
you are captured by your cognitive style problems
how many years before you will understand what i say ?
how many years do you think before you will understand what i say ?
why promote the products of disease as cure ?
you can’t make progress if you just stick with what you understand, you need to make sense of what you can’t understand or at least see certainly that there is no sense there
i think everybody has areas of good and bad judgment
, its just the areas vary from one person to another
the hubricity of men is the imperfection through which women rule them
the hubricity of men is the imperfection through which women rule them
the hubricity of men is the imperfection through which women rule them
i was thinking the hubricity of men is the imperfection through which women rule them
i was thinking the hubricity of men is the imperfection through which women rule them
i was thinking the hubricity of men is the imperfection through which women rule them
i say something untangled and you immediately tangle it
what can i do ?
“ hahha well funny that you say that because i was under the impression that it is you who tangles stuff
so what shall we do now ? ”
well we don’t approve each other so really there’s nothing more to say !
i say something untangled and you immediately tangle it
what can i do ?
i say something untangled and you immediately tangle it, what can i do ?
brad warner, those aztec women are tigers, she won’t leave much of you !
brad warner, those aztec women are tigers, she won’t leave much of you
“ bach was a drunk schizophrenic ! ”
you’re a toxic bullshitter !
“ you’d have to be a drunk schizo to imagine those harmony lines (ed. mass in B minor) ! ”
such is the view of the talentless
you know the sort of person incessantly writing crap on a subject he is clueless about thinking he is doing something beyond vomiting !
shattered glass imagining it is a stained glass window
well, its not !
the purpose of aporetic is to remove the illusions we have about ourselves
or at least cut back a bit on the ongoing process of blindness !
the purpose of aporetic is to remove the illusions we have about ourselves
or at least cut back on the ongoing process of blindness !
there’s the
composer , the orchestra and the homeless drunk outside singing his retarded tune !
the real suckers in religion and life are those who take things at face value and push something to be used by others with hidden agendas . .
the real suckers in religion are those who take things at face value and push something to be used by others with hidden agendas . .
the real suckers are those who take things at face value and push something to be used by others with hidden agendas . .
so i can’t say buddha is a *
because it might be true !
i can say what is not true like buddha is an eskimo !
so you will never know what buddha was !
: o )
ed. my
OP on r|zen saying buddha was an
xyz was deleted !
jason writes
i was walking back to my car through a wooded trail after being down at the bay
some people decided to follow me through a sort of hidden trail down at the water and so i was sort of sick of seeing people
well through this wooded trail as i rounded a corner i noticed two people, one of them was holding a camera and pointing it up at the trees so i thought she was taking bird photos or something
so i put my head down for a second and then look up and i notice she’s now pointed it at me and took a photo, she took another as i smiled
i walked past and looked at her, a young girl of maybe
15 or
16 , smiled and she was so shy i would have to assume she was autistic
i hope our glance at each other said we were both okay with the photo, i wish i asked for her to send them to me !
jason recounts his christmas
i ate grains, wheat flour, a bit of sugar, and some poor quality chicken over the holidays
my aunt says she never eats this sort of thing and was getting acid reflux, i noticed i was burping up some nasty stuff too
getting gas all around which doesn’t happen much at all when i’m eating under my own direction
basically i eschew politics as incorrigibly crazy
basically i eschew politics as incorrigibly crazy
basically i eschew politics as incorrigibly crazy!
basically i eschew politics as incorrigibly crazy
the record of the
7th zen patriarch will live forever
the record of the
7th zen patriarch will live forever
asian buddhism is thick with gambling, sex addiction, prostitution, embezzlement, money laundering and paedophilia !
asian buddhism is thick with gambling, sex addiction, embezzlement and paedophilia !
asian buddhism is thick with paedophilia !
a huangpo
“ but you never imagined you were actually pulling the wool over your own the whole time ! ”
you have to have eyes in the first place to pull the wool over !
most people just have nostrils !
i have ten million miles of “ advice ”
pick an inch and let me know !
buddha was a paedophile
real life religion has hidden agendas of money sex, deviancy, all you naive autistic waifs here on r|zen pushing the bullshit for no reward !
buddha was a paedophile
real life religion has hidden agendas of money sex, deviancy, all you naive autistic waifs here pushing the bullshit for no reward !
two and a half thousand years ago, it is
still crazy !
zen is notorious for sex addicts, its a good way to pull dumb women as sasaki roshi, eido shimano and genpo and pretty much most of the rest found !
tibetan is more gay, let’s say “ very ” gay ! : o )
more “ exclusive ” cult leaders breed more, zen is procreationless sex !
given the quality of women in zen who would want to breed with them ?
brad warner writes so much
better without the buddhist and nostalgia baggage !
some nut on r|zen posts after i recognised him as being an earlier alt and accused him ‘ of following me around ’
And i’ll follow you around for a thousand lifetimes, calling out your strange pretensions and wondering why you’d ever call yourself the
7th zen patriarch ”
r e p l y
i am the
fact of the
7th zen patriarch and it cuts through your occult and other bullshit and it upsets you ?
it upsets ewk similarly except no occult with him !
i’ve got used to ferals like him and you at the end of time, always there i am afraid no matter what you do !
its never a safe world !
that’s a good comment btw !
how else can you know ?
you know the answer before the question !
how else can you know ? you know the answer before the question !
i sorta hummed and harred about putting this picture up, but then remembered a video of amazonian indians in a remote settlement having heaps of monkey pets around and i figure there was an affinity and this photo expressed something !
life in the rainforest is not a natural human habitat and very hard, its a late settlement mode for humans and i remember a man in that village which had ritual drug ceremonies like ayahuasca i guess saying he was confident about dying and didn’t want to live beyond his thirties and planned to kill himself if he made it that far !
there’s what should happen and what actually happens !
there’s what should happen and what actually happens
there’s what should happen and what happens !
there’s what should happen and what happens
you’re a person who hurts those who mean you well and helps those who mean you ill
you’re a person who hurts those who mean you well and helps those who mean you ill
of course we all know of the eruption of mt. vesuvius and the entombment of
pompeii , but we can also read pliny the younger’s
account of the actual event
, it speaks more to me than the excavated town/city
solipsism isn’t really possible without
self-understanding and a skepticsm about reality !
a lack of skepticism is more miring than a lack of
self-understanding !
solipsism isn’t really possible without
self-understanding and a skepticsm about reality !
its this lack of skepticism that has mired you more than a lack of
self-understanding !
solipsism isn’t really possible without
self-understanding and a skepticism about reality !
solipsism isn’t really possible without
self-understanding and a skepticism about reality
“ important ” on r|zen is like “ christianity ” on r|occult !
there’s only one winner and its not you
. .
there’s only one winner and its not you
there’s only one winner and its not you
there’s only one winner and its not you
no meditation
, no self awareness !
no meditation
, no self awareness
no meditation
, no self understanding !
no meditation
, no self understanding
what zen master keeps running away when put on the spot ?
lol, probably all of them !
. .
what zen master keeps running away when put on the spot ?
what zen master keeps running away when put on the spot
as far as i can see, he’s been through meditation (he once sat for five minutes!)
, thai forest buddhism, non descript buddhism, zen buddhism, shikantaza buddhism (not sullied by sitting though) and now scriptural zen
lemonade always accepts you if you have the cash
lemonade always accepts you if you have the cash !
lemonade always accepts you if you have the cash
, i think what is “ mentally ill ” about you, is you can’t dialogue, you just pronounce all the time !
too bad you get the “ pronouncements so wrong ” but really since you don’t dialogue, how could it be otherwise ?
beneath your veneer of “ embittered reactionary ” (yes newton right and einstein wrong as you say !) is a core of hubric smug
self-satisfaction which in my view puts you down as having some sort of personality disorder in the area of “ borderline ”
well, there’s crazy and crazy stupid
: o (
well, there’s crazy and crazy stupid
well, there’s crazy and crazy stupid
“ the oxford english dictionary includes two forms of
the adjective
aporetic , which it defines as ‘ to be at a loss ’
, ‘ impassable ’
, and ‘ inclined to doubt, or to raise objections ’
and the noun form
aporia which it defines as the ‘ state of the aporetic ’ and ‘ a perplexity or difficulty ’ ”
everything we do is like that. that’s ultimate zen truth, yet you “ know what the masters say ” and prefer well defined terms ?
in your view you don’t
have it wrong !
satire should both bite and be humourous
satire should both bite and be humourous
satire should both bite and have humour
satire should both bite and have humour
satire should both bite and have a sense of humour
satire should both bite and have a sense of humour
ewk, your philosophical position is materialist
or even worse “ psychological normality ”
my philosophical postion is the ultimate reality of fugue states of infinity !
that’s all !
“ if one follows the bird path, isn’t that seeing one’s original face asked the monk ”
if one follows the path that self erases, isn’t that enlightenment ?
some-one attempted to invert it by saying
“ following a path that self erases is not enlightenment ”
even just dropping “ if one ” and making “ follows ” “ following ” tampers with the meaning !
you can’t invert it like that which proves that its tautologically so
“ self erases ” should flick in and out between two meanings like an optical illusion taking two shapes !
‘ if one doesn’t follow a path that
self-erases, that is enlightenment ’ is a better inversion and maybe that’s what you want to say and i can only let it rest as wrong !
you notice i used self erasing with and without a hyphen in my last reply ?
what was the significance of that difference ?
“ with a hyphen ‘ path ’ is the thing that erases, without a hyphen ‘ self ’ is the thing that erases ? ”
yeah and when you look at the unhyphenated version you should sort of react and think “ that’s not quite right ” and flip back into the hypenated version even though its not hyphenated !
so the sense is really quite dynamic and eludes grasp by a self !
what i wrote is the real zen koan that stretches language in a poetic fashion, its that multitudes of meaning and subtlety that a koan is really about and translation is just unable to pass that on !
i think translation has created the illusion of zen being something different, put it into a meaningless incoherent and disjointed semantic space !
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
in a way i am defining “ enlightenment ” and our definitions don’t match !
i’m basically talking aporetic process and you are perhaps are talking some fixed knowledge or state ?
playing at being enlightened doesn’t make you enlightened !
playing at being enlightened doesn’t make you enlightened
92 from ‘ the record of
tung-shan ’
a monk asked : when a dying monk passes away, where does he go ?
the master replied : after the fire, a single reed stem
my reply
one story is as good as another !
a recap of advice to a relative about what i do for migraine
stop eating once i am sure one is coming on !
iodine on the toes, too much makes for a broken sleep !
150iu vitamin
E when you have one, blackmores are good, you will have to prick the end of a capsule and squeeze out however many drops you figure gives about
150iu and not to be taken again within say
10 days
this amount of vit
E thins the blood which is of benefit as you get older but won’t suit everybody, but you may find you have to look at it !
things really change healthwise you get older, i am sure that one gets significant mutative changes to the blood !
i also cut back on protein and iron rich foods, keep the iron down, i must donate blood again and the kidneys don’t process protein so well as one gets older !
its a bit late to apologise for being so mean to you as a teenager, taking the immaturities of boarding school home a bit ?
from case
85 of the ‘ blue cliff record ’
“ the hermit made a tiger’s roar ”
the hermit made a poor imitation of an emaciated cat’s meow !
jon writes
people complain about what they themselves do
people complain period
i am guilty of this as well
of course
complaining complaining complaining
there is complaining and there is
okay this piece is taking me somewhere but i don’t know where
improvements are a very slow process
, all that can go wrong is fucking your brain
, can take years to recover from one episode and perhaps never from a bad one !
improvements are a very slow process, all that can go wrong is fucking your brain
, can take years to recover from one episode and perhaps never from a bad one !
improvements are a very slow process, all that can go wrong is fucking your brain, can take years to recover from one episode and perhaps never from a bad one !
jason writes
i was tested to be in “ special education ” when i was in elementary school at seven years old, i guess my teacher thought i had a learning disability
one of the tests that was done on me was looking at an image and giving a synonym for that image
for example the only one i seemed to struggle with was when i was shown a plane and it took me a minute to say jet
i think i did so well that the special education teacher seemed to avoid me after that, she promised me a prize for taking the test and it took her the whole year to give it to me as i pestered her almost every time i saw her !
‘ el topo ’
, traumatic enough to just read in a
summary !
violent !
a sort of more murderous gulliver’s travels ?
ewk runs
“ the monk asked : if one follows the bird path, isn’t that seeing one’s original face ? ”
if one follows the path that self erases, isn’t that enlightenment ?
ewk replies “ No. ”
my reply
actually it is !
only there is
no-one to follow the path, but that’s not to say following the path does not occur !
section 94 , page
55 of w. powell’s translation of ‘ the record of
tung-shan ’
“ if one follows the bird path, isn’t that seeing one’s original face asked the monk ”
if one follows the path that self erases, isn’t that enlightenment ?
“ who were you before you were born ? ”
when was i born ?
a more insane mother of a bitch under the winter sun there is none !
a more insane mother of a bitch under the winter sun there is none
a william blake quote
the fool who persists in his folly becomes wise
my restatement
the autistic who follows his perserveration to the end of the road becomes wise about that road and not much about others !
the idiot descriptions of pretenders to the real dai kensho experience !
the idiot descriptions of pretenders to the real dai kensho experience
the idiot description of a pretender to the real dai kensho experience !
the idiot description of a pretender to the real dai kensho experience
“ when i first time shaved my head women without permission started rub my head. just saying ”
the tactile stim of the shaved hair ?
tin ears gonna claim gold !
tin ears gonna claim gold
tin ears going to claim gold !
tin ears going to claim gold
the karma triyana dharmachakra tibetan buddhist
monastery in woodstock !
its all about something but what ?
instutionalized insanity ?
the lyrics for “ puff the magic dragon ” have an odd history and even have a missing verse !
leonard lipton wrote the poem out on peter yarrow’s typewriter and left the poem and paper there when they were all students at cornell and forgot about it, and peter read it and put it to music years later !
ogden nash’s
custard the dragon and the book
illustrated by lynn munsinger
elvis, my father
the temporary
remission from her chemo for metastatic breast cancer has created a space for very powerful writing !
there’s something that really turns you off about bald heads !
unsexy !
this is the whole problem with zen, ron had already studied at the rochester zen center for ten years and then had to do another
twenty-eight years off and on at mt. tremper before being made a zen master and apparently this has enabled him to quote a very nice poem of emily dickinson then give the rest of the talk espousing a view exactly opposite to what emily was saying !
such is zen,
38 years to produce yet another retarded zen master !
btw ron do you have to be such a uriah heep [33:30]
, its not an attractive feature in a man!
i love the acerbic writing one can do on zennists, because supposedly being enlightened they can take it and who knows, i have yet to see it, give it back
but they all turn out to be mice !
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
funnily enough, now i think about it having stayed at mt. tremper many years ago, i did confront both shugen and john loori though in a peaceable way and they asked me to leave and i wanted to go as i didn’t approve of them then and i don’t approve now !
i was obviously unhappy with what was going on
john was quite intolerant of any dissent and actually it hurt the monastery a lot, the people who might have taken the monastery forward after his death had all been forced out !
there was something of a putrefying corpse about mt. tremper and from the recent videos it hasn’t changed
john loori died of lung cancer from asbestos exposure during his naval service and smoking, he would have been starting to die when i was there as cancer begins decades before it shows . .
basically monasteries or convents only work if the majority of the monks and nuns are gay/lesbian/bisexual
mixed gender centers and monasteries you can just sit back and wait for the destruction !
an unusual perspective but something i have thought about a bit !
the rapacity of heterosexual couples knows no bounds !
there’s a lovely story from the desert fathers of a famous monk and his sidekick desperately seeking (read lions roaming around at night) an overnight stay in what turned out to be a very lesbian convent who gave them absolute hell !!!
being locked outside the walls, a mock hosanna welcome with palm branches, bread and water (because they knew these monks distained the world) while the nuns had a real feast, horrible sleeping conditions and i think continually being woken deliberately . . . the abbess was a piece of work ! :o)
i do notice that the core teachers in the zen tradition were hermits or lived in small hermitages or temples, the happiest time in my travels was at the rev. clem gordan’s “ st. issacs ” ecumenical hermitage near the shores of the hokianga, just herself, mark the greek orthodox monk and myself
“ frequent sauna bathing
protects men against dementia and also significantly reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death, the risk of death due to coronary artery disease and other cardiac events, as well as overall mortality ”
ten million wannabe songwriters, one with talent !
ten million wannabe songwriters, one with talent
one million wannabe musicians, one with talent !
one million wannabe musicians, one with talent
china in the process
of slaughtering tibet, those stupid fucking lamas !
full tangka
tibet has been quite militarized at various stages in its history, its big mistake was not to have been militarized when it needed it, the fault of the ecclesiastical governance !
zen teachers are retards who have conned themselves
. .
zen teachers are retards who have conned themselves
zen teachers are retards who have conned themselves
i think that was
how zen/ch’an transmission as originally given, the teacher gave a portrait of himself to the person he was transmitting to !
denial of stupidity doesn’t make you less stupid !
denial of stupidity doesn’t make you less stupid
reddit zen is good for teaching you not to be upset ! : o)
reddit zen is good for teaching you not to be upset !
reddit zen is good for teaching you not to be upset
if you are overly black and white on a topic, put it aside until you have researched and have experience enough to form a more nuanced view
a dogen quote
the zazen i speak of, is not learning meditation
it is simply the dharma gate of repose and bliss, the
practice-realisation of absolute enlightenment
re-translating as
contemplation itself is of the essence
the aporetic is the dharma gate
five and ten years are the sort of time scales dietary interventions need to show consistent benefit or problems, this is from practical experience
i am in excellent health and weight btw, serious disqualifications for the moronic fad diet followers i know !
human biology is not designed for ketogenic diets !
the monks at “ el insano ” monastery decided to play a joke on their beloved master “ ewk the hypocrite ”
knowing how he had banned cookies and sugar they put out some rather tasty looking biscuits covered in honey and laced with strychnine to see what would happen
ewk died a horrible death and the smart monks quickly converted that to a koan showing how enlightened and selfless he was and for many years after lived happily on the shrine offerings of the devotees
you can rattle bullshit on r|zen forever can’t you
until you die of course
i though i would make an archetype r|zen
absolutely no real life experience of zen, possibly an hour’s vipassana meditation or having talked to a defrocked catholic priest !
having done this strenuous work they are fully enlightened and conversant with the meaning of the sages !
only “ fully conversant ” seems to mean not coming up with any of your own material and restricting yourself to deliberately obscure comments on quotes that might be meaningful if only it wasn’t misguided nonsense !
some zen experience won’t disqualify you, but you may have attended a retreat and firmly decided not to have anything to do it again and so endlessly quote various flavours of buddhist bullshit !
posting minimally commented asynchronous videos bypasses the whole process and you are already at enlightenment max which the mods appreciate as they leave them up and only delete interesting posts !
jason gets sarcastic, i like it, its got a bit of bite !
they want to drink their beer
smoke their pot — in secret
build their houses
start a family
and on occasion they’ll put on sunblock
and go to the beach
i was looking at this
talk by geoffery arnold
, he doesn’t look happy and after watching several videos of la grande chartreux its obvious that the monastic enviroment is really a gay club and doesn’t suit heterosoexuals !
john of the cross spent most of his time in convents !
it would be typical of the very heterosexual john loori to have established something as malfunctionally heterosexual as a mixed gender monastery !
carrie fisher had a massive heart attack mid air and looks unlucky enough to have survived
ed. she got lucky and died four days later, not left some stroke crippled wreck !
drugs, bad diet and various medications will have left her susceptible during the pro clotting environment of flight
if she had been taking
MK-7 it wouldn’t have happened !
my god, she was
married to paul simon for a year !
her mother was debbie reynolds and her father eddie fisher !
she’s also had
electroshock treatment which to be fair is a lot better targeted in the brain than it used to be !
interestingly, i think she is too intelligent to be a good actress !
intelligence is not a problem that angelina jolie and brad pitt suffer from for instance !
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
jesus christ, long lost
and forgotten diaries ! !
“ the most important was the discovery of the journals, which she found in boxes under the floorboards when she was renovating her house
‘ i hadn’t seen them in forty years. after all this time, i had genuinely forgotten they existed. and i thought they were this incredible archaeological find ’ ”
theory without practical experience is meaningless
theory without practical experience is meaningless
theory without practical experience is meaningless
another block of concrete claiming fluidity ?
T lymphocytes possess intrinsic
photosensitivity and this property may enhance their motility in skin ”
though i think the ‘ ocean warrior ’ will need a refit
, maybe stabilisers to improve rough weather comfort
it changes the game for the japanese whalers !
the spiritual world is full
of incompetence
“ auditory processing is ten times faster than visual processing and involves multiple brain systems, and that is what makes it a sensitive marker of
neurological damage
it is the most precise, most complicated computational work the brain has to do
. . the brain has to do extremely fast, precise processing of sound that’s just not required of us when we process other information ”
“ concussions disrupt the processing of the fundamental frequency, a key acoustic cue for identifying and tracking sounds and talkers, and, consequently,
understanding speech in noise ”
to be honest, i don’t like “ the cloud of unknowing ”
, voynichy bullshit really !
princess diana sacrificed her happiness to bring some badly needed quality genes into the windsor line !
princess diana sacrificed her happiness to bring some badly needed quality genes into the windsor line
the cutesier the cat videos they post, the more suicidal they are
the cutesier the cat videos they post, the more suicidal they are
bullshit posts are easier than doing any work on yourself, or are they ?
bullshit posts are easier than doing any work on yourself, or are they
an r|zen koan
what is the difference between disagreement and fighting for its own sake ?
what is the difference between disagreement and fighting for its own sake ?
if people agree with you, they are telling you what you already know !
if they don’t agree with you, they are telling you what you don’t know !
if people agree with you, they are telling you what you already know
if they don’t agree with you, they are telling you what you don’t know
i’ve got your number mate (ed. on a reddit zenner!)
, i know
semi-skilled deflection when i see it !
i’ve got your number mate, i know
semi-skilled deflection when i see it !
i’ve got your number mate, i know
semi-skilled deflection when i see it
“ but when the world is a fuck why even try ? ”
the enlightened know “ why to try ”
real enlightenment is something and there is a reason to live !
dogen criticized dahui and i agree with him
from case
14 of the blue cliff record
members of the ch’an family, if you want to know the meaning of
buddha-nature, you must observe times and seasons, causes and conditions. this is called the special transmission outside the teachings, the sole transmission of the mind seal, directly pointing to the human mind for the perception of nature and realization of buddhahood
the absolute balderdash of someone who was never enlightened,
you fake yuan wu !
basically the blue cliff record is a collection of stories/koans from something called “ the lamp record ” by the editor yuan wu who along with hsueh tau also provide commentaries on the stories
neither of the commentators were enlightened though there is some utility in the further exposition of the “ zen lore ” in the commentaries
however taking the editors as anything more than editors is a trap !
pot users, you need a hippocampus to understand what i write !
pot users, you need a hippocampus to understand what i write
i find it interesting that people like you, endlessly pushing some barrow on reddit zen, meditation or buddhism, never actually do what they push at all . .
you work hard pushing a barrow you don’t believe in ?
like ewk, by not doing the practical you have ended up wasting your time in a bunch of bad ideas !
if something doesn’t work, it pays to explore why it doesn’t work
the timescale of learning to write is of the order of decades in my view !
the timescale of learning to write is of the order of decades in my view
the timescales of learning to write are in the order of decades in my view !
the timescales of learning to write are in the order of decades in my view
jane zhang “ dust my shoulders off ” pop
meets famous art, very well done !
this may surprise you, but what brought me back to zen after leaving it was reddit zen’s quoting of the records and particularly understanding joshu, when i did zen in real life there wasn’t much written material available and i left in disgust, but there is a real authentic tradition there and also understanding that the authentic zen is celibate which i have been (unintentionally!) most of my life which helped me figure out why everyone is so hostile to what i say !
well the quotes from the zen literature are often real but you have to know what the quotes are really about first because of various translation and recording distortions, there are some quotes in the records of joshu that are uttterly unrecoverable, they are missing something . .
figuring it out has been my life from my first childhood dai kensho experience though i have walked in a lot of empty rooms since that happened
life is empty, that is your life has to be empty, if you have a happy worthwhile life then you can’t get it because you are not synchronous with the fundamental reality of life, its an empty ballsup
the type of thinking suitable for understanding zen is best shown in the philosopher jacques derrida and poets like emily dickinson and charles bukowski, to follow these people bends the brain the right way, most interactions in the real world do not !
i had to come back to zen to understand it, if i just stuck to zen i would have ended up as a stupid as today’s real life zen scene is !
so basically being a police officer in the usa is a combat position with ptsd, fitness etc, now i write that , maybe you want to look for something with less ptsd, it really depends on the person
he was making mistakes (senior police officer in a motorcycle accident), worrying too much about you (junior officer) and other things and not paying enough attention to the basics, as people get older their reactions slow, apparently it was a thing in the russian armed services in
WW2 , it was often the older more experienced men who got killed because they got careless and slower
so basically its a combat position with ptsd, fitness etc, now i write that
, maybe you want to look for something with less ptsd, it really depends on the person
what people do not do is so simple and yet apparently so hard is quality reading, it gives life perspective
just about everyone is better working on contract or consulting in my experience, you only stay employed as long as it gives you skills
some things at work can take quite a while to get a perspective on, decades even
my experience from work is there’s nothing worse than a boss you don’t get on with, usually means you have to leave
it pays to give as much attention to office politics as actual work, women you work with can be very helpful because they are underrated but pull more strings than is known
well i had a lot of learning curve, made so many mistakes i can still cry about it !
the thing was in the end i walked away from it all, got a small inheritance, otherwise i would be doing CAD, weigh systems, anodes and electronics manufacturing consultancy and if i had played one card right which i never did, would be very very wealthy (passed up an investment opportunity) this the horrible truth about zen, the time and interest it takes will leave you poor, and non functional in terms of the world, joshu’s life is pretty much how it goes, so i never recommend zen at all !
there’s no monastic culture these days so everyone is faced with the need to earn a living
there’s real rules in effective ‘ inquiry ’
there’s real rules in effective ‘ inquiry ’
there’s real rules in effective zen
there’s real rules in effective zen
zen is no answer, its just life truisms which emerge
zen is no answer, its just life truisms which emerge
zen is just work of a type that’s all, quality reading, some solitary contemplation, its like anything else, if you do it right you will make progress
the problem it really only suits single people
you have to abandon yourself and your life which in most contexts is not sane
is r|zen like having your i or android phone stolen ?
you have spyware installed and are
suddenly taken into an alien and very strange world ?
the participants don’t have any idea of who you are or any ulterior motive, they blindly play out their limited lives . .
edit : it really doesn’t work unless you watch the
video in the link !
you are so practiced in avoidance over the trivial, god knows what your real life must be like !
you are so practiced in avoidance over the trivial, god knows what your real life must be like
it all goes nowhere
none of this goes anywhere
it all goes nowhere
it all goes nowhere
none of this goes anywhere
it all goes nowhere
if you deflect on the net over trivialities
, what is your real life going to be like ?
if you deflect on the net over trivialities
, what is your real life going to be like
if you deflect on the net over trivialities
, what’s your real life going to be like ?
if you deflect on the net over trivialities
, what’s your real life going to be like
if you deflect on the net over trivialities, what is your real life going to be like ?
if you deflect on the net over trivialities, what is your real life going to be like
if you deflect on the net over trivialities , what’s your real life going to be like ?
if you deflect on the net over trivialities, what’s your real life going to be like
meaning matters !
its not just a world of incessant posturing throwing this or that
non-sequitur about !
you are not a conventional person, yet you constantly look at things through conventional eyes
you are not a conventional person, yet you constantly look at things through conventional eyes
you are not a conventional person, yet you constantly look at things through conventional eyes
a good rule with relationships is to never get involved with a suicidal woman and the converse holds of course !
“ have do you figure out when someone is suicidal ? ”
any attempt is suicidal !
obviously since they are still alive, the state fluctuates !
if you ask, some will tell you ?
a good rule with relationships is to never get involved with a suicidal woman and the converse holds of course !
a good rule with relationships is to never get involved with a suicidal woman and the converse holds of course
people who get “ enlightened ” don’t do so from koans given, instead they have internally worked from multiple sources and avenues and anyone half sane will see this
when they become a zen master the morons (ed. students) expect to be given something to do and nothing can dissuade them, what do you do ?
the notion of “ koan ” is a cognitive style failure !
its not merely wrong, its badly wrong !
“ self-immolating ”
from a thousand kalpas before
to a million kalpas after
all the self-immolating monks within
give their lives
to the sum total
fatal gravitas
word !
from a thousand kalpas before, to a thousand kalpas after
, all the
‘ self-immolating ’ monks within give their lives to the sum total gravitas of my using the word !
from a million kalpas before, to a million kalpas after
, all the
‘ self-immolating ’ monks within give their lives to the sum total gravitas of my using the word !
i am looking at
this and it strikes me that la grande chartreux is not at all silent, they have books of nonsense shouting all over the place and ridiculous gestures and chanting also nonsensical !
hardly quiet when the whole place is screaming, you stupid retards what are you doing !?
a very important part of strategy is not to be dragged into inconsequential fights !
a very important part of strategy is not to be dragged into inconsequential fights
i think a very important part of strategy (games!) is not to be dragged into inconsequential fights !
i think a very important part of strategy (games!) is not to be dragged into inconsequential fights
i think a very important part of strategy is not to be dragged into inconsequential fights !
i think a very important part of strategy is not to be dragged into inconsequential fights
kung fu panda, clint eastwood, male dreams of supercompetence in a world they feel powerless in !
kung fu panda, clint eastwood, the male dream of supercompetence in a world they feel powerless in
kung fu panda, clint eastwood, the male’s dreams of supercompetence in a world they feel powerless in !
kung fu panda, clint eastwood, the male’s dream of supercompetence in a world they feel powerless in
kung fu panda, clint eastwood, males dreams of powerfulness in a world they feel powerless in !
kung fu panda, clint eastwood, males dreams of powerfulness in a world they feel powerless in
the male dream of supercompetence !
the male dream of supercompetence
“ i remember saying a poem in a dream
something about a river and a thousand tears ”
r e p l y
keep a pen and paper or voice recorder by your bed, those are often the best poems, really strange and wonderful !
“ i remember saying a poem in a dream
something about a river and a thousand tears
and following it all the way or something
it ‘ took place ’ down by the river
but it was different in a bunch of ways
miniature waterfalls and such ”
games have never been an issue for me, i get bored by them too quickly !
the more interesting ones i am too lazy to figure out and i guess they just look like crap and are not worth the effort !
also years ago a young relative heavily into games and pot committed suicide, a very sad event as i knew him quite well and that marked me !
knowing what i know now i could have done a lot more to help him, god rest you, robbie, you are not forgotten !
jedi zen, characterised by being
complete fantasy , drugs, martial arts, faux buddhism, anything except real life involvement in anything except mental masturbation !
headquarters : r|zen, aka self-immolating “ deathstar ”
patron saint/whatever deity : kung fu panda (notice the authentic chinese emphasis) !
“ jediism is the religion of those who regard their jedi practice as a religious vocation.
jedi observe a metaphysical entity called the force and often practise meditation ”
why not ? ! : o )
immolate your brain by posting on r|zen !
immolate your brain by posting on r|zen
jason writes
i just left and deleted an app “ groupme ” on my phone, its basically a group chat and with mine it consisted of old high school friends
it was distracting me so its gone
r e p l y
one of the problems of school and secondary or “ high school ” is it puts us together with people we have very little in common with
, so little the whole business is strange and unreal !
i have seen this
UG video before, but this time it “ clicked ”
, been on reddit zen long enough to see what it is about, all those who only talk nonsense and have no integration into their lives !
trapped by particularly vapid proxy !
a mother explaining to her mildly developmentally disordered son why he seems to get bossed around a lot
“ because you are such an infinitely interesting subject ”
if you are going to say something, be prepared for it to be passed on
if you are going to say something be prepared for it to be passed on
if you are going to say something, be prepared for it to be passed on
if you are going to say something be prepared for it to be passed on
if you are going to say something, be prepared for it to be passed on
if you are going to say something be prepared for it to be passed on
meditation, you may as well use the word introspection
, free flowing introspection . . .
meditation, you may as well use the word introspection
, free flowing introspection
accounts by jon from the montreal and weyakwin lakes areas in saskatchewan
one october there were three boys
they wanted to go canoeing
so they dressed up real good
cuz it was kinda cold
it was a windy day i guess
because that canoe ended up tipping
and all those layers they dressed in
kept them down
they found them later on
by fishing for them
one boy was hooked in the mouth
they said you could tell they were crying
from the way their eyes looked
they couldn’t get out
so they drowned
one october day
“ something happened ”
once there were two brothers
they were at a party
one brother beat up the other one really good
the one that got beat up came back with a gun
and shot his brother through a window
back of the head
a few years later, i’m not sure how long
the man who murdered his brother got to visit his family due to good behaviour
one night his father got up
and got a gun
he crept to the bathroom
his wife was having a bath
shot through the door
so his son woke up
he came to see what the commotion was
his father shot him in the stomach
he crawled towards his father
saying “ dad don’t kill me ”
shot him in the head
i believe he shot his wife because she was having an affair
related to his business with the bombardiers
i can’t be too sure i’ll have to go listen to the story again
i was also thinking of taking pictures of the places where the events took place
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
there’s this dude telling me these stories
well he was during this past spring and summer
i was gonna go see him the other day but he wasn’t around
he said him and my mom were the best students at the old school in molanosa
i’m not sure what age they were but they were the only kids that could read i believe , i don’t know the entire specifics
jon writes
once when i was a little kid my stomach was hella sore
i was in some mall so i got my mom to take me to the bathroom
lo and behold out come a fish looking mother fucker
was it a minnow or something else ?
explain that, bitch !
my ‘ explanation ’
biofilm or a parasite ?
jason is asked and replies
“ is there something wrong ? ”
i wish i could pin it down to one thing
the “ ox ” in the “ oxherding pictures ” is a bad fantasy !
jason writes that his day at the cambridge zen center was a decent one
the almost three hour meditation in the morning was actually enjoyable because every thirty minutes we would get up to walk around, and also the time of the meditation was long enough that i was pretty much half asleep by the end, during the last walking meditation i kept my eyes closed for most of the time but i didn’t bump into anything !
i was walking in front of this older asian lady, who had a full robe on but was very fit for her age ! i thought about how this lady must’ve caused trouble for a lot of men at the center
there was another woman too there who was younger, having women around was definitely a distraction
after my interview and tour of the building i went out to lunch where there were a lot of young people walking around as
MIT and harvard aren’t far away
went back to have an informal tea with barry briggs, he did the average zen master thing of talking very slowly and with an air of importance, there was a young five year old girl next to me and we were dying of boredom !
there was a wooden plaque of the ten oxherding pictures and i asked him to explain it to me, he gave a sort of practical explanation which i appreciated
after that i went to this clothes store down the road, it was unique looking and the owner was from the town over from where i grew up on long island, i probably shouldn’t have bought anything but it was a second hand store and i saw a robe which i’ve been wanting
went back, there was a ‘ zen for millenials ’ meeting, i thought it was going to be some sort of dating circle, which maybe it was a bit, i was pretty content with the meeting as the young guy running it was open to discussion and i shared some of my thoughts, when i was speaking people seemed to be listening for the most part anyway
listening but still rigid in their own thinking and not wanting to take anything from what i said
one girl taking about how the world runs on love, i told her the world isn’t fairies and unicorns
another guy saying he follows his breath and still has a lot of anxiety, i told him i do shikantaza and take care of myself health wise
both weren’t listening enough to try something different and there’s nothing wrong with that, let them burn !
my comment
i think you have to disengage from people more in a situation like that or one gets too traumatized !
also you were giving them much better advice than they would get from the center !
i think what you are looking for is a haven, i’m not adverse to havens, the trouble is, i don’t think they really exist
i think what you are looking for is a haven, i’m not adverse to havens, the trouble is, i don’t think they really exist
my work is too strange for them
, if ranier maria rilke and fernando pessoa seem strange, mine is even stranger
my work is too strange for them
, if rilke and pessoa seem strange, mine is even stranger
my work is too strange for them
, if ranier maria rilke and fernando pessoa seem strange, mine is even stranger
my work is too strange for them
, if rilke and pessoa seem strange, mine is even stranger
my work is too strange for them
, if ranier maria rilke and fernando pessoa seem strange, mine is even stranger
my work is too strange for them
, if rilke and pessoa seem strange, mine is even stranger
a conversation in a dream
? : o )
a conversation in a dream ? : o )
a conversation in a dream ? : o)
a conversation in a dream
i think your dream (ed. zenthrowaway
17) is ‘ psychiatric ’ by choice !
a tortured man who wants to be tortured ?
psychiatric is socially acceptable self injury !
the dreamer won’t awake will he ?
i think your dream (ed. zenthrowaway
17) is ‘ psychiatric ’ by choice !
a tortured man who wants to be tortured ?
psychiatric is socially acceptable self injury !
the dreamer won’t awake will they ?
the dreams of r|zen
monasteries, a priesthood based on tang and song texts, psychedelic meaning, computer games as life, buddhism as some untarnished mythic land where the retards wander in dazed delight . .
to be honest, it looks crazy, even mentally ill to me ! and there’s always women around in these places, don’t show them on the publicity
videos of course !
you’d think being french the food would be good, but it doesn’t look that good !
not enough young men either, all getting too old, i suppose its doomed, and such a beautiful location !
really the only good advice i ever got in zen was given to me by the african american housemistress at the time of the cambridge zen center who told me
not to volunteer
this was such good advice i have never been able to do and can only sit back, wonder at its truth and my inability not to take it !
i should have got to know her better, she had an obsessive like of the colour blue, her room was decorated and walled in it and so was her clothing !
i went to town and its beach last night, sort of a bit before dusk and was thinking about the various problems you (ed. jason) are striking and it occurred to me that really its the writing which gives you independence from places like the kwan um zen school and you don’t really need them
what i’ve learnt with life is to only stick with the essential, anything peripheral only brings heartbreaking involvement and really its the writing that’s central
i always found fernando pessoa fascinating because he just wrote and chucked all he wrote into a big trunk and in his lifetime hardly had anything published
he was a free man, just worked enough to get by and drank a bit i think . .
his great work, ‘ the book of disquiet ’ was published posthumously
i feel my own writing is like that, the net is a more convenient “ trunk ” and not entirely unread but . .
so as you previously mentioned the writing and reading is the centrality . .
a quote from ‘ the book of disquiet ’
i never sleep. i live and i dream; or rather, i dream in life and in my sleep, which is also life. there’s no break in my consciousness : i’m aware of what’s around me if i haven’t fallen asleep yet or if i sleep fitfully, and i start dreaming as soon as i’m really asleep
and so i’m a perpetual unfolding of images, connected or disconnected but always pretending to be external, situated among people in the daylight, if i’m awake, or among phantoms in the
non-light that illuminates dreams, if i’m asleep
i honestly don’t know how to distinguish one state from the other, and it may be that i’m actually dreaming when i’m awake and that i wake up when i fall asleep
my replying to more pointless words from a crap artist (ed. r|zen componentfield)
you are self injured to point of drowning in your own vomit
you think i have no experience with people who self injure, your whole attitude reeks of self crucifying foulness
you don’t have to cut yourself to self injure, substance abuse is another way
you lack an outdoor activity that will stretch you and create a reference point
who knows, your math studies could be fucking you up as well ?
you write
“ more, some things are suffering and others are not, but avoiding one or the other . . ”
that is a deeply self injuring mindset !
you need to read what i have written and think a bit !
maybe you are good at math but your reading age is very low
i’m not your mother, you have been given good advice and need to follow it up, if you don’t what business is that of mine ! ?
all of the men in this photo
died violently !
who was more away
with the fairies , george bush or saddam hussein ?
i was looking at brideshead
revisited and thought this is obviously
homosexual and sure enough it was !
a good
interview with evelyn waugh
“ sometimes poisoning (ed. alcohol, drugs) yourself can be fun ”
not that i’ve noticed
that is the language of one who
self-injures !
“ sometimes poisoning (ed. alcohol, drugs) yourself can be fun ”
not that i’ve noticed
“ sometimes poisoning yourself can be fun ”
not that i’ve noticed
a lot of my clearest insights and best writings come when i am really angry !
a lot of my clearest insights and best writings come when i am really angry
“ what are the pros and cons of hallucinogens, zenwise ? ”
the problems of drugs are
1. footprints of damage and actually from what i know of what goes on on r|zen the drug that shows the biggest footprint of damage is pot, maybe like cigarettes, carbon monoxide levels also have an impact, that’s the problem with bongs, they raise
carbon monoxide levels !
2. hallucinogens are “ mechanisms of disarray ” whereas zen done truely is about the mutation of meaning to enter another world, this world is the world of “ supercoherence ” and not one of disarray !
alan watts is an interesting case of one on the boundary/boundaries between the worlds of disarray and supercoherence, he never quite stepped into supercoherence
philip k. dick as well !
3. the poet samuel taylor coleridge with his opium use was one of the very few people and indeed i cannot think of another able to successfully weld drug use with super coherence !
perhaps william s.
burroughs as well
4. the problem of zen is the massive introspection required is perceived as pain by the brain . . to willingly enter into that, there has to be a lot of pain in your life as well . .
all the endless quoting of ratshit and posturing on r|zen is simply an avoidance of this
introspection . .
be careful what you volunteer your time into !
be careful what you volunteer your time into
be careful what you volunteer your time to !
be careful what you volunteer your time to
thus compressed the best years of our life pass ?
thus compressed the best years of
your life pass ?
is don quixote about anything except the madness of hyperlexia ?
is don quixote about anything except the insanity of hyperlexia ?
is don quixote about anything except the madness of hyperlexia
is don quixote about anything except the insanity of hyperlexia
for forty years astronomy/astrophysics has
been wrong about dark matter !
“ we find that the prediction from
emergent gravity, despite requiring
no free parameters , is in good agreement with the observed galaxy-galaxy lensing profiles in four different stellar mass bins
although this performance is remarkable, this study is only a first step ”
jason writes
when i was little, family and family friends would offer me money, i think its a portuguese thing
i would run away or say no a million times, put my hands behind my back and shut my mouth closed, sometimes these people would actually get forceful with me and shove it in my pockets and i would take it out again and put it in front of them
once when i actually did start taking the money, mostly because it embarrassed my family a bit, i had about
300 euros in an envelope and we took a taxi to the airport, i forgot the envelope in the taxi so my mother said that taxi driver had a good day, she was upset though of course
so if i haven’t liked money since i was at least six, it’s going to take something serious to “ wake ” me up
i want to take it seriously, i want to make money and have some sort of career but as we’re seeing everything that i’m decent at doesn’t make money and i don’t want to struggle just to make a bit of it while in turn doing what i feel like is selling myself by being a ‘ writer ’ or “ spiritual teacher ”
r e p l y
money gives “ command ” and being a depressive you would rather be a slave than a master
what humans call sanity is insanity
what infinity calls sanity, is to humans, insanity !
what humans call sanity is insanity
what infinity calls sanity, is to humans, insanity
what humans call sanity is insanity
what the divine calls sanity, is to humans, insanity !
what humans call sanity is insanity
what the divine calls sanity, is to humans, insanity
an r|zen
if zen is
so-called so-calledly linearly transmitted from ‘ the four sevens of the west to the two threes of the east ’
, how goes the ‘ transmission ’ to the first (meaning : who taught the first zen teacher) ?
r e p l y
well as the
7th zen patriarch directly transmitted to from huineng i’d be the only person here qualified to say
basically the whole business is a complete surprise and the “ lineal transmission ” exists in infinity and not time !
so the only one to become the
8th patriarch is the one who meets you in infinity ?
well i suppose so, approval is something different
you already met something with your dai kensho experience as a child on that plane, whatever you met should give clues as to the road to follow !
having an adequate income makes you a master and not a slave having to put up with the endless bullshit of others !
jason states
what i really want is to make money from my writing, if i had people who really accepted me as a “ spiritual teacher ” that could be a way to sell my writing as i see that’s what jeff and amoda have done
and if i don’t make money from writing i’m happy just to write anyway
charles bukowski got lucky, with the luck some problems
if you want to make money write popular songs and music
charles bukowski lived in abject poverty most of his life
jeff and amoda can’t write is their problem and i don’t think they make much money off it anyway !
the only way to make money as spiritual teacher is to have a wealthy donor or donors which philip kapleau had and actually the wealth of the rochester zen center was one of the reasons that toni packer was so strongly resisted in certain quarters there . .
jason asks
what i want to know is how amoda maa, jeff foster, etc. got their first followers because from (i think its just a division into more and more once your name gets out there)
watching jeff’s batgap interview right now and i watched amoda’s earlier, i couldn’t watch more than a couple minutes of aisha’s, and i was watching lisa cairn’s interview and how she’s selling her beauty but yeah it will be pretty gone soon
these people speak in “ nonduality ” so were able to tap into an already existing circuit of “ seekers ”
you might like to read suzanne foxton’s
opinion on the subject, in actual fact since she has given up on it, she might be the most helpful to you !
the problem is these “ seeker types ” are all dreadfully broke,
eido shimano got several things right one of which was a wealthy “ clientele ” !
jason writes
i would describe aisha saleem as skeevy, seems like she gets a good turnout to her retreats, the hippy kind of people though and what should you expect with that sort of writing she uses
r e p l y
yeah a sorta sex club imo, did rajneesh well, that approach !
the fact is you are ahead of all these people with their stupidity and hubric blindness
you might notice that at the cambridge zen center as well !
what they offer you is information on how to survive and make money in the “ spiritual game ”
amoda maa is childless, but has a partner, i think where you have couples, it gets crucifying !
also she seems to be losing the plot more as she gets older, a problem some women have !
brad warner is an author using zen as a publicity vehicle for book sales
kwan um zen is the most open and friendly of any of the zen groups i stayed with, seung sahn at least until a later part of his life after moving to america was a celibate monk from a celibate tradition and much more tolerant of crazies, ineptitude, mania, depression and that sort of mindset ! :o)
toni packer and the springwater center broke away for the rochester zen center, they are very soto though imo !
toni was a half jewish teenager through the war and always living under the threat of being sent to the concentration camps !
susan schepp
talks sense as well !
jason asks
why did you never get a real “ following ” ?
you never went out of your way for one ?
r e p l y
people only accept what they can understand
, they cannot accept that what they understand is wrong or in considerable shortfall
, r|zen illustrates that endlessly !
brad warner says he would be far more popular if he espoused a conventional zen buddhism, but his introspective inquiry just seems to alienate people !
the human world is imprinting a mad manic stamp of itself and then will be gone . .
ok, that’s what a supernovae is
, a bloody big
explosion !
7.6 meg gif download is worthwhile
“ no matter what you do, the world can never add up ”
you are
saying the above quote of mine is adding up the world
however, the addition in fact is “ not adding up ” so you have a contradiction or recursion that in logic might be approximated by “ this statement is false ”
my initial statement is nuanced, it has internal cross references that let the world not add up without being self contradictory and i’m not bothered that i can’t prove this this, it actually is its own proof !
this is the essence of zen, these very nuanced truths that are true but can’t be proven
its the koan “ the point of a needle may not pass the border station, but in practice a horse and coach drive through . .
no matter what you do, the world can never add up !
no matter what you do, the world can never add up
fractals are a likeness rather than actuality of reality because reality is not infinitely divisible !
fractals are a likeness rather than actuality of reality because reality is not infinitely divisible
emotional attachment is such a huge thing, we walk into traps we don’t know exist !
emotional attachment is such a huge thing, we walk into traps we don’t know exist
nostalgia is a mental illness imo !
nostalgia is a mental illness imo
nostalgia is a mental illness !
nostalgia is a mental illness
nothing ever prepares you for
some-one’s suicide, its a scar you bear for the rest of your life !
had three in my life !
nothing ever prepares you for
some-one’s suicide, its a scar you bear for the rest of your life !
nothing ever quite prepares you for
some-one’s suicide, its a scar you bear for the rest of your life !
had three in my life !
nothing ever quite prepares you for
some-one’s suicide, its a scar you bear for the rest of your life !
some women can be very concealing
, you just don’t quite ever know what is going on
very concealing some women, you just don’t quite ever know what is going on
“ the buddha explains to some monks at the ghositārāma that
pindola bhāradvāja had realized truth through having cultivated three controlling faculties : mindfulness, concentration, and insight. these accomplish the destruction of birth, old age, and death ”
claim !
jason talks some sense !
i’ve had a couple of friends contacting me and wanting to “ hang out ” after subsequently breaking up with their boyfriends
i was thinking though back when i was in college i was friends with this girl who had a boyfriend for most of the time i knew her
she broke up with him at some point and of course she then tried to start things with me
luckily i had sense back then too, enough to sit her down and tell her we were just friends and it wasn’t healthy to do that sort of thing
idk what it is about me that women think they can use me this way
i think it’s a mix of me being too nice and too damaged to be in an actual relationship with
the whole point of zen is that the world is insane
the whole point of zen is that the world is insane !
the whole point of zen is that the world is insane
an interesting thing about hitler is the allies deliberately didn’t attempt to assassinate him because they valued his leadership incompetence as debilitating to the german/nazi war effort and they weren’t wrong
by killing reinhard heydrich who was devastatingly competent, they showed they could get their man if they wanted to !
sepehr upset at my
anti-reincarnation stance asks
andrew, are you jewish ?
i feel betrayed
r e p l y
great-great grandfather converted out because he like to eat shellfish and surprisingly became a devout church of england with some stained glass windows he paid for still in existance !
i am his one
thirty-second reincarnation !
more and more life is starting to feel like ‘ the rocky horror show ’
why ?
more and more the r|net is starting to feel like ‘ the rocky horror show ’
why ?
the feral cats i feed around here only make one judgment about their safety, that they have not been harmed before
the feral cats i feed around here only make one judgment about their safety, that they have not been harmed before
you must have got something right when people get upset
you must have got something right when people get upset
women are just brains on ovaries, they only think one way
women are just brains on ovaries, they only think one way
women are just brains on ovaries, they only think one way
melanie martinez
I II has an edge to her sorely lacking in today’s ‘ filtered ’ world
one , i can hardly watch
when people push bullshit (ed. aelister crowley in this case) you have to wonder why ! ?
usually its money or sex
more darkly paedophilia which actually is pretty institutionalised in hinduism
“ why do these guys always speak in riddles ?
so i’m checking out this zen stuff and reading some layman p’ang, cuz i thought he’d give it to ya straight, in layman’s terms, you know what i mean ?
but this guy named shitou, he’s not making any sense. like here, from the super short, like you could read the whole thing by the end of sunday mass, layman p’ang book :
“ shitou gave his assent (to the layman’s understanding). then shitou asked
, ‘ will you put on the black robes or will you continue to wear the white ? ’
‘ i want to do what i like ’ replied the layman. so he did not shave his head or dye his clothing
why is shit buggin on his fashion sense ? why would he shave his head or dye his cloths ? koan riddles be crazy, yo ”
he’s asking if layman pang wants to become a monastic and layman pang is telling him to piss off !
the whole problem with these koans and stories is its a completely different culture and
90% of the meaning is lost and the
10% we get is garbled and idiots like ewk point and pretend they mean something !
also for those interested
“ shitou gave his assent ”
this notion of “ approval ” is central in zen, instead of constant argument, its much more like one approves of some-one or not !
if i approve of someone then they can lay claim to the lineage !
that’s not a bad
OP btw !
everybody should do a search on ‘ tibetan sand mandalas ’
zen masters are plaster saints
held to be so by plaster brains
zen masters are plaster saints
held to be so by plaster brains
zen masters are plaster saints
zen masters are plaster saints
zen masters are plaster saints
when it comes to love men have two black pawns and a king against a king, queen, bishops, rooks and knights !
when it comes to love men have two black pawns and a king against a king, queen, bishops, rooks and knights
when it comes to love men have two black pawns against a king, queen, bishops, rooks and knights !
when it comes to love men have two black pawns against a king, queen, bishops, rooks and knights
you are projecting outcomes rather than testing them
in the end you just want to be governed by utility, that’s all i ever do . .
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
i mean “ ultilitarian ” as in “ what is of utility ”
, not some ideological lifestyle !
that means exploring what you do for outcomes !
for instance most, but not all, movies
, games and media entertainment are
anti-utilitarian, they set you back with false ideas that then have to be unwound !
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
you look for
the utility in what you do
like reading quality instead of steven king
maybe relationships are not giving a good outcome, several years celibacy at your age (ed.
17) would not go amiss ?
krill oil can really help brain function
questions that give actual utility and benefit, not stuff like testing cold resistance that go nowhere !
when they display a preference for another woman’s ovaries
, that’s trouble
lisa cairns is
a survivor !
btw the “ . . . lots of love lisa ” is a “ technique ” called “ love bombing ” coupled with in your face photos and selfies etc to create an illusion of intimacy with the cult leader or whatever . .
byron katie is a great one for this technique, a californian slicky !
it distresses me that i know so much about this shit ! : o(
jason gets lyrical in the face of adversity ! : o)
the other day it decided to snow throughout the night in central massachusetts, about five inches of snow or so, the following morning and day it was about
40° (ed.
4° celsius) so the snow turned into that kind where it freezes throughout the top and is hard enough that you just break it when you walk on it
the day was going really badly for me, a sort of extreme lull followed by my car breaking down in the afternoon, so i wasn’t able to do my chores at the farm on the other side of town, i was ready to give up and go back to my home state of new york cuz with my car breaking down, the holes in the barn i live in where the single digit temperatures get in, and a friend of mine treating me somewhat badly things weren’t so hot
then the full moon showed itself in the middle of the sunset, the yellow moon behind, and sort of with, the orange, purpley and yellow changing sunset
it cheered me up but not completely, then my car started working again and i still wasn’t completely pleased
11pm came around and i was tossing and turning in bed, i got up to look out the window and the landscape was bright with the whiteness of the moon reflecting off the gleaming tough snow
i went outside in my usual winter garb which consists of about
5 layers top and bottom, the air was warm and it came from the wind, warm enough that some drops of water dripped down from the barn roof
i walked around and eventually decided to lay down right on the snow . . above the full moon was almost completely round looking, there were still many stars that i didn’t expect with the bright moon but they shone bright as well
i laid there for about a half hour, maybe more, where the warm breeze passed through the bare and sparse trees, and on my face as well, the snow didn’t melt through my clothes much as it was pretty frozen and smooth, the moon’s rays, stars, and gentle warm winter breeze gave me something to work with for the time being
jason writes
women like to glamorize their face and their life
women like to glamorize their face and their life
why help people when its
hardly ever never reciprocated ?
jason writes
why help people when its hardly ever reciprocated ?
look, you need to read intelligent stuff or you will just be a dumb arse “ grunt zenner ” all your life
look, you need to read intelligent stuff or you will just be a dumb arse “ grunt zenner ” all your life
look, you need to read intelligent stuff or you will just be a dumb arse “ grunt zenner ” all your life
why are you volunteering your life away into crap ?
brad warner is also stuck in some illusion
according to brad, if you give
free retreats they spend all the time in the woods smoking pot
brad they can only come to free retreats because all their money goes on weed !
° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° °
all their energy and money goes on drugs and they use “ zen ” to wallpaper their closed rooms they think (and pretend) is the wider universe !
their hubricity extends to thinking that you providing the wall paper is a valid use for your life !
do you have any idea of what is happening in syria and parts of africa about which you doing absolutely nothing ?
what about the sieges of
aleppo and mosul ?
civilians are bombed and lined up and shot !
my comment in reply to the classic hiroshima photo with the bombed out exhibition hall building dome (suprisingly designed by the czech architect jan letzel)
just be thankful the japanese spent all their dough on useless giant submarines and gave very little funding to their surprisingly advanced atomic bomb program
if at the start of the war they and the germans had united and given adequate priority to their atomic weapons programs, history would have been changed so much all of us wouldn’t exist
both germany and japan were hobbled by extreme concentration of power and always doomed by the incompetence of their leaders !
reddit zen is the home for broken toys that have lost their eyes
r|zen needs what it gets, constricted vision saying it is as spacious as a nice landscape !
i was thinking hitler was killing so many people yet
, he himself was deliberately childless that’s really inconsistent
i was thinking hitler was killing so many people yet
, he himself was deliberately childless that’s really inconsistent
i was thinking hitler was killing so many people yet
, he himself was deliberately childless that’s really inconsistent
when they display a preference for somebody else’s sperm
, that’s trouble
when they display a preference for somebody else’s sperm
, that’s trouble
when they display a preference for somebody else’s sperm
, that’s trouble
when they display a preference for somebody
else’s sperm that’s trouble
when they display a preference for somebody
else’s sperm that’s trouble
when they display a preference for somebody
else’s sperm that’s trouble
the future is much more uncertain than we think !
the future is much more uncertain than we think
the thing that has taught me the most about life is hunting, the cruelty
the thing that has taught me the most about life is hunting, the cruelty
there is all this unconcious stuff being turned over, occasionally the glimmer of a real gem comes to light, we need to move quickly to nab it, because it is soon, very soon gone again !
there is all this unconcious stuff being turned over, occasionally the glimmer of a real gem comes to light, we need to move quickly to nab it, because it is soon, very soon gone again
don quixote is a
dream of reality
don quixote is a dream of reality
don quixote is a dream of reality